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A-Z of Emergency radiology


Clinical Emergency Medicine Casebook.pdf


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Clinical Emergency Medicine Casebook
April 1, 2010 By Kane Guthrie 0 Comments and 0 Reactions

Clinical Emergency Medicine Casebook

Joel T Levis: M.D., Ph.D, FACEP, FAAEM
Gus M Garmel: M.D.,FACEP,FAAEM

Table of contents:

HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat)
Genitourinary and Gynecology
Infectious Disease
Answer Index
Subject Index


Clinical Emergency Medicine Casebook, written by Joel T Lewis and Gus G Gamel, and published by Cambridge University Press. This text sets out to provide a different way of teaching emergency medicine compared to other textbooks through using a case based scenario. It provides the reader with a real life case scenario, with an accompanying X-ray, ECG, CT-scan or clinical image for the reader to interpret and formulate the diagnosis. Following the case scenario, on the opposite page provide’s the diagnosis and conclusion to the case scenario. This is followed up with an in depth discussion on the diagnosis going through from the pathophysiology to the management of the condition.

This book provides the reader with extensive case scenarios from conditions that are common every day presentation like PE, MI, and acute appendicitis to the more rare diseases like ovarian torsion caused by a dermoid cyst and nephrotic syndrome. There are only a few text out there covering emergency medicine in a case based scenario presentation, certainly the majority of them aren’t as lengthy as this text at 506 pages long.

The downfall of this book is that it is American based, and some of the presentation we don’t encounter in Australia, like Pit Viper envenomation. The drugs provided in these cases, are generally listed by brand name rather than generic, and also American based, but this was only relevant in a limited number of the case scenarios. Every case has an X-ray, CT scan, or ECG attached to it, which promotes an interactive approach with the case studies, however, some of the images were small making interpretation hard. This could have been overcome by providing a CD Rom or website address with the book to access these images in a higher resolution or on home computer.

Overall I found this book a pleasure to read, and would recommended it to anyone who is looking for a different approach from the usual didactic medical books, and want to embrace the case based learning scenarios.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rosen's Emergency Medicine- 6TH Ed.chm (167 MB)

Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 6th Edition

Product Information:

New To This Edition: Presents a stunning full-color art program to facilitate quick diagnosis, especially in cases related to dermatology and ophthalmology.
Offers comprehensive and authoritative coverage of today?s hottest topics.
Features a new full-color page layout, color-coded pages, Pitfalls, At-A-Glance sections, and additional pathways for more rapid reference.

Presents a comprehensive treatment of Emergency Medicine through more than 200 chapters in six sections: Fundamental Clinical Concepts, Trauma, Medicine and Surgery, Environment and Toxicology, Special Populations, Emergency Medical Services, and The Practice of Emergency Medicine.
Offers the practice-proven expertise of more than 300 authorities who deliver cutting-edge guidance on every aspect of the field.

Apply the expertise of today?s leading Emergency Medicine authorities! The completely revised 6th Edition of ROSEN'S EMERGENCY MEDICINE continues to serve as the definitive EM resource. Now with a new full-color page layout--and many full-color illustrations--it encompasses all of today?s scientific and clinical knowledge, with a focus on the diagnosis and management of the problems most frequently encountered in the Emergency Department. Comprehensive in scope--and featuring a templated, user-friendly organization--it remains the emergency medicine reference.


The Atlas of Emergency Medicine,3rd Edition.CHM (122.03 MB)



The most complete and trusted visual compendium of emergency medicine—extensively updated with 1500 full-color illustrations

"This is an excellent study aid, especially for visual learners....This atlas is perhaps the most comprehensive source of high quality emergency medicine images available....This book is outstanding. I used it just before my in-service exam and found it a delightful way to solidify the information with images, which greatly increases the chance of recall."--Doody's Review Service

Ideally suited to the bedside practice of emergency medicine, The Atlas of Emergency Medicine is the ultimate visual guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommon conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. Filled with 1500 crisp, clear full-color images, this essential clinical companion is logically organized by organ system and then by problem, making it a practical quick reference for medical students, residents in training, new graduates preparing for their certification exam, the practicing physician, and instructors.
The third edition of The Atlas of Emergency Medicine features an even more streamlined presentation with clear, concise text and an unmatched collection of diagnoses-speeding images. Forming the core of the book, these images show you what to look for and are accompanied by brief, high-yield descriptions of clinical problems. The new edition also features an enhanced template, and new coverage of airway emergencies, tropical conditions, toxicologic emergencies, and electrocardiographs.


* 1,500 full-color clinical photographs (more than twice the amount found in the previous edition)
* New chapter template:
“Clinical Summary”: clinically relevant observations on differential diagnosis
“Emergency Department Treatment and Disposition”: a brief overview of need-to-know diagnostic guidelines and recommendations
“Clinical Pearls”: instructive tips and insights on specific aspects of conditions which are difficult to find in other texts
* Four new chapters that enhance the book’s hands-on value:
Tropical Medicine: reflects an increased emphasis on global access to healthcare and easier patient travel
Toxicology: features an up-to-date, authoritative review of how to diagnose and treat selected toxicological emergencies
ECG Abnormalities: presents turnkey insights into the rapid recognition of pathological ECG’s, highlighting the electrocardiographic characteristics of each featured clinical problem
Airway Procedures: includes essential information that guides, improves, and expedites the management of airway emergencies

Table of contents

Photography Credits
1. Head & Facial Trauma, David W. Munter and Timothy D. McGuirk
Basilar Skull Fracture
Depressed Skull Fracture
Nasal Injuries
Fractures of the ZygomaLefort Facial Fractures
Orbital Floor Fractures
Mandibular Fractures
External Ear Injuries
Frontal Sinus Fracture
Traumatic Exophthalmos
Penetrating Facial Trauma
Uncal Herniation Syndrome
2. Ophthalmologic Conditions, Marc E. Levsky and Paul DeFlorio
Neonatal Conjunctivitis (Ophthalmia Neonatorum)
Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Viral Conjunctivitis
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
Anterior Uveitis (Iritis)
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Ocular Herpes Simplex
Corneal Ulcer
Afferente Pupillary Defect (Marcus Gunn Pupil)
Horner Syndrome
Sixth-Nerve Palsy
Third-Nerve Palsy
3. Funduscopic Findings, David Effron, Beverly C. Forcier, and Richard E. Wyszynski
Normal Fundus
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Roth Spots
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Hypertensive Retinopathy
Vitreous Hemorrhage
Retinal Detachment
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis
Optic Neuritis
Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
Subhyaloid Hemorrhage in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
4. Ophthalmic Trauma, Dallas E. Peak, Christopher S. Weaver, and Kevin J. Knoop
Corneal Abrasion
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Corneal Foreign Body
Intraocular Foreign Body
Lens Dislocation
Penetrating Globe Injury
Globe Rupture
Traumatic Cataract
Eyelid Laceration
Chemical Exposure
5. Ear, Nose, & Throat Conditions, Edward C. Jauch, Sean P. Barbabella, Francisco J. Fernandez, and Kevin J. Knoop
Otitis Media
Bullous Myringitis
Cholesteatoma and Osteoma
Tympanic Membrane Perforation
Otitis Externa
Auricular Perichondritis
Herpes Zoster Oticus (Ramsay Hunt Syndrome)
Facial Nerve Palsy
Septal Hematoma
Peritonsillar Abscess
Mucocele (Ranula)
Nasal Cellulitis
6. Mouth, Edward C. Jauch and Brent E. Gottesman
A. Oral Trauma
Tooth Subluxation
Tooth Impaction (Intrusive Luxation)
Tooth Avulsion
Tooth Fractures
Alveolar Ridge Fracture
Temporal Mandibular Joint Dislocation
Tongue Laceration
Vermilion Border Lip Laceration
B. Odontogenic Infections
Gingival Abscess (Periodontal Abscess)
Periapical Abscess
Pericoronal Abscess
Buccal Space Abscess
Canine Space Abscess
Ludwig Angina
Parapharyngeal Space Abscess
C. Oral Conditions
Trench Mouth (Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis)
Acid Tooth Erosion (Bulimia)
Thrush (Oral Candidiasis)
Oral Herpes Simplex Virus (Cold Sores)
Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores)
Strawberry Tongue
Torus Palatinus
Black Hairy Tongue
Oral Cavity Piercing Complications
7. Chest & Abdomen, Stephen W. Corbett, Lawrence B. Stack, and Kevin J. Knoop
A. Chest and Abdominal Trauma
Traumatic Asphyxia
Flail Chest
Sternoclavicular Dislocation
Tension Pneumothorax with Needle Thoracentesis
Cardiac Tamponade with Pericardiocentesis
Emergency Department Thoracotomy
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Seat Belt Injury
Grey Turner Sign and Cullen Sign
Impaled Foreign Body
Abdominal Evisceration
Traumatic Abdominal Hernia
Pelvic Fracture
B. Nontraumatic Chest and Abdominal Conditions
Respiratory Retractions
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Situs Inversus
Apical Lung Mass
Jugulovenous Distension
Caput Medusae
Abdominal Hernias
Umbilical Hernia
Patent Urachal Duct
Sister Mary Joseph Node (Nodular Umbilicus)
Abdominal Distension
Abdominal Wall Hematoma
Pectus Excavatum
Stoma Prolapse
8. Urologic Conditions, Jeffery D. Bondesson
Testicular Torsion
Torsion of a Testicular or Epididymal Appendix
Acute Apididymitis
Testicular Tumor
Scrotal Abscess
Fournier Gangrene
Urethral Rupture
Fracture of the Penis
Penile Hair Tourniquet
Straddle Injury
Penile Zipper Injury
9. Sexually Transmitted Infections & Anorectal Conditions, Diane M. Birnbaumer and Lynn K. Flowers
A. Sexually Transmitted Infections
Primary Syphilis
Secondary Syphilis
Chlamydial Infection
Genital Herpes
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Condyloma Acuminata (Genital Warts)
Anal Fissure
Perianal-Perirectal Abscesses
Internal-External Hemorrhoids
Prolapsed Rectum
Pilonidal Abscess
Rectal Foreign Body
10. Gynecologic and Obstetric Conditions, Robert G. Buckley and Kevin J. Knoop
A. Gynecologic Conditions
Mucopurulent Cervicitis
Cervical Polyps
Bartholin Gland Abscess
Spontaneous Abortion
Genital Trauma and Sexual Assault
Uterine Prolapse
Imperforate Hymen
Ectopic Pregnancy: Ultrasonographic Imaging
Molar Pregnancy (Hydatidiform Mole)
B. Obstetric Conditions
Third-Trimester Abdominal Trauma
Emergency Delivery: Imminent Vertex Delivery--Crowning
Emergency Delivery: Normal Delivery Sequence
Breech Delivery
Umbilical Cord Prolapse in Emergency Delivery
Nuchal Cord in Emergency Delivery
Shoulder Dystocia in Emergency Delivery
Postpartum Perineal Lacerations
Intrauterine Fetal Demise
11. Extremity Trauma, Neha P. Raukar, George J. Raukar, and Daniel L. Savitt
Acromioclavicular Joint Separation
Shoulder Dislocation
Elbow Fractures
Elbow Dislocation
Biceps Tendon Rupture
Forearm Fractures
Fractures of the Distal Radius
Carpal and Carpometacarpal Dislocations
Clenched Fist Injury (Fight Bite)
Boxer's Fracture
Peripheral Nerve Injury
Bennett and Rolando Fractures
Boutonniere and Swan-Neck Deformities
High-Pressure Injection Injury
Gamekeeper's Thumb (Skier's Thumb)
Phalangeal Dislocations
Mallet Finger and Jersey Finger
Compartment Syndrome
Subungual Hematoma
Hip Dislocations
Hip Fracture
Knee Extensor Injuries
Patellar Dislocations
Knee Dislocation
Femur Fracture
Tibial-Fibular Fractures
Fracture Blisters
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Ankle Dislocation
Calcaneus Fracture
Ankle Sprain
Fractures of the Fifth Metatarsal Base
Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation
12. Extremity Conditions, Robert J. Tubbs, Daniel L. Savitt, and Selim Suner
Gas Gangrene (Myonecrosis)
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Crystal-Induced Synovitis (Gout and Pseudogout)
Ingrown Toenail (Onychocryptosis)
Olecranon and Prepatellar Bursitis
Palmar Space Infection
Subclavian Vein Thrombosis
Cervical Radiculopathy
Digital Clubbing
Phlegmasia Dolens
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Dupuytren Contracture
Achilles Tendonitis
Ganglion (Synovial) Cyst
Raynaud Disease
Arterial Embolus
13. Cutaneous Conditions, J. Matthew Hardin
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Erythema Multiforme
Fixed Drug Eruption
Drug Eruptions
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Pyogenic Granuloma
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Nummular Eczema/Xerotic Eczema
Dyshydrotic Eczema
ID Reaction
Atopic Dermatitis
Statis Dermatitis
Acne Vulgaris
Vasculitis (Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis)
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Thhrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Pityriasis Rosea
Livedo Reticularis
Urticaria, Dermatographism, and Angioedema
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Phytophotodermatitis and Phototoxic Drug Reactions
Erythema Nodosum
Erythema Chronicum Migrans
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Disseminated Gonococcus
Infective Endocarditis
Hot Tub Folliculitis
Ecthyma Gangrenosum
Secondary Syphilis
Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Herpes Zoster
Nongenital Herpes Simplex Infections
Autoimmune Bullous Diseases
Sweet Syndrome
Dermatophyte Infections
Tinea (Pityriasis) Versicolor
Scabies and Norwegian Scabies
Uremic Frost
Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax)
Abdominal Striae (Striae Atrophicae)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
14. Pediatric Conditions, Matthew R. Mittiga, Javier A. Gonzalez del Rey, and Richard M. Ruddy
A. Newborn Conditions
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Salmon Patches(Nevus Simplex)
Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal Milk Production (Witch's Milk)
Neonatal Mastitis
Umbilical Granuloma
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
B. Rashes and Lesions
Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
Roseola Infantum (Exanthem Subitum)
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Herpes Zoster
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
Cold Panniculitis (Popsicle Panniculitis)
Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Scarlet Fever
Blistering Distal Dactylitis
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Strawberry Hemangioma
Orbital and Periorbital (Preseptal) Cellulitis
Branchial Cleft Cyst
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Cystic Hygroma (Lymphangiomas)
Cat-Scratch Disease
C. General Conditions
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Button Battery Ingestion
Membranous (Bacterial) Tracheitis
Physeal Fractures: Salter-Harris Classification
Acute Sickle Dactylitis (Hand-Foot Syndrome)
Hair Tourniquet
Failure to Thrive
Nursing Bottle Caries
Nursemaid's Elbow (Radial Head Subluxation)
Inguinal Hernia
Pinworm Infection (Enterobiasis)
Oculogyric Crisis
Kawasaki Disease
15.Child Abuse, Robert A. Shapiro, Charles J. Schubert, Kathi L. Makoroff, and Megan L. McGraw
A. Physical Abuse
Inflicted Burns
Inflicted Burns and Soft-Tissue Injuries
Lesions Mistaken for Physical Abuse
Fractures Suggestive of Physical Abuse
Inflicted Head Injury (Shaken Baby Syndrome)
B. Sexual Abuse
The Child Sexual Abuse Examination
Injuries and Findings Indicative of Penetrating Genital or Anal Trauma
C. Findings Mistaken for Sexual Abuse
Straddle Injuries
Labial Adhesions
Urethral Prolapse
Toilet Seat Injuries
Perianal Streptococcal Infection
Lichen Sclerosus Atrophicus
16. Environmental Conditions, Ken Zafren, R. Jason Thurman, and Ian D. Jones
High-Altitude Retinal Hemorrhage
High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema
High-Altitude Cerebral Edema
Immersion Injury (Trench Foot)
Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure
Lightning Injuries
Large Terrestrial Animal Attacks
Coral Snake Envenomation
Pit Viper Envenomation
Black Widow Spider Envenomation
Brown Recluse Spider Envenomation
Scorpion Envenomation
Hymenoptera Envenomation
Caterpillar, Mite, and Centipede Envenomation
Middle Ear Squeeze
Mask Squeeze
Stingray Envenomation
Sea Urchin Envenomation
Coelenterate Envenomation
Marine Dermatitis
Scorpion Fish Sting
Sea Snake Envenomation
Cephalopod Envenomation
Toxicodendron Exposure
17. Toxicological Conditions, Saralyn R. Williams, Matthew D. Sztajnkrycer, and R. Jason Thurman
Methamphetamine Toxicity
Cocaine Toxicity
Anticholinergic (Antimuscarinic) Toxidrome
Heroin and Opioid Toxicity
Tricyclic Antidepressant Poisoning
Poisoning by B-Blocker and Calcium Channel Blocker Agents
Salicylate Poisoning
Acetaminophen Poisoning
Caustic Ingestion
Toxic Alcohol Ingestion
Cellular Asphyxiants
Inhalant Abuse
Hydrofluoric Acid Burns
Arsenic Poisoning
Mercury Poisoning
Lead Poisoning
Iron Ingestion
Amatoxin Ingestion
Cardiac Glycoside Plant Ingestion
Dieffenbachia Ingestion
Jimsonweed Ingestion
Peyote Ingestion
Toxalbumin Ingestion
Vancomycin-Induced Red Man Syndrome
18. Wounds & Soft Tissue Injuries, Chan W. Park, Michael L. Juliano, and Dana Woodhall
Wound Cleaning and Irrigation
Wound Assessment
Would Foreign Bodies
Traumatic Wounds
Ear Lacerations
Lip Lacerations
Tendon Lacerations
Animal Bite Wounds
Fishhook Injuries
Simple Wound Closures
Complex Wound Closures
Wound Care Complications
Decubitus Ulcers
Electrical Injury
19. Forensic Medicine, William S. Smock and Lawrence B. Stack
Gunshot Wounds
A. Pattern Injuries of Domestic Violence, Assault, and Abuse
Sharp-Force-Pattern Injuries
Blunt-Force-Pattern Injuries
Thermal-Pattern Injuries
20. HIV Conditions, J. Michael Ballester and Roderick Morrison
Primary HIV Infection
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
Candidiasis Associated with HIV
Kaposi Sarcoma
Toxoplasma Gondii Infection
Cryptococcal Infections
Cytomegalovirus Infections
Herpes Zoster in HIV Patients
Eosinophilic Folliculitis
Herpes Simplex Virus in HIV Patients
Molluscum Contagiosum
Dermatophyte (Tinea) Infections
Drug Reactions
Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
21. Tropical Medicine, Seth W. Wright and Meg Jack
Free-Living Ameba Infection
Anemia in the Tropics
Cutaneous Larva Migrans
Dengue Fever
Epidemic Meningitis
Hydatid Cyst
Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria Infections
Protein Energy Malnutrition--Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
Tropical Sporotrichosis
Tropical Snake Envenomations
Traditional Medicine in the Tropics
22. Airway Procedures, Steven J. White, Richard M. Levitan, and Lawrence B. Stack
Airway Maxim One
Airway Maxim Two
Airway Maxim Three
Airway Maxim Four
Airway Maxim Five
Laryngoscopic Orotracheal Intubation
Bougie-Assisted Intubation
Optical Stylet-Assisted Intubation
Optical Laryngoscope-Assisted Intubation
Lighted Stylets and Wands
Glidescope-Assisted Intubation
Digital (Tactile) Intubation
Laryngeal Mask Airway
Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway
Intubating Laryngeal Airway
Esophageal-Pharyngeal Combitube Airway
Blind Nasotracheal Intubation
Nasal Flexible Fiberoptic Intubation
Transtracheal Jet Ventilation
Cricothyrotomy (Seldinger Technique)
Open Cricothyrotomy
23. ECG Abnormalities, James V. Ritchie, Michael L. Juliano, and R. Jason Thurman
Part 1: ST-T Abnormalities
Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infaraction
Acute Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction
Acute Posterior Myocardial Infarction
Left Main Lesion
Sgarbossa Criteria for AMI in Setting of LBBB
Subendocardial Ischemia
Hyperacute T Waves
Wellens Waves
"Cerebral" T Waves
Early Repolarization
Left Ventricular Aneurysm
Part 2: Conduction Disturbances
First-Degree AV Block
Type 1 Second-Degree AV Block (Mobitz I, Wenckebach)
Type 2 Second-Degree AV Block (Mobitz II)
Third-Degree (Complete) AV Block
QT Interval Prolongation
Right Bundle Branch Block
Left Bundle Branch Block(br)
Left Anterior Fascicular Block
Left Posterior Fascicular Block
Ashman Phenomenon
Part 3: Rhythm Disturbances
Junctional Rhythm
Ventricular Rhythm
Paced Rhythm
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Flutter
Multifocal Atrial Tachycarida
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
SVT with Aberrancy
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Flutter
Torsades de Pointes
Part 4: Structural Abnormalities
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Left Atrial Hypertrophy
Right Atrial Hypertrophy
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Brugada Syndrome
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Part 5: ECG Abnormalities of Non-cardiac Origin
Pulmonary Embolism
Pericardial Effusion
Digoxin Effect, Toxicity
Tricyclic Antidepressant Effect
Limb Lead Reversal
Low Voltage
24. Emergency Ultrasound, Paul R. Sierzenski, Jason Gukhool, and Stephen J. Leech
Emergency Ultrasound
Trauma Ultrasound
E-Fast Window 1: Subxiphoid-Cardiac (Subcostal View)
E-Fast Window 2: Right Upper Quadrant (Morison Pouch)
E-Fast Window 3: Left Upper Quadrant (Splenorenal View)
E-Fast Window 4: Suprapubic
E-Fast Window 5: Thorax (Right and Left)
Cardiac Ultrasound
Echo Window 1: Subxiphoid-Cardiac (Subcostal View)
Echo Window 2: Parasternal Long-Axis View (PSLAx)
Echo Window 3: Parasternal Short-Axis View (PSLAx)
Echo Window 4: Apical Four-Chamber View (4AC)
Echo Window 5: Subxiphoid Long-Axis (IVC)
Gallbladder Ultrasound
Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound
Renal Ultrasound
Pelvic Ultrasound
Deep Venous Thrombosis Ultrasound
Ultrasound-Guided Venous Access
Ocular Ultrasound
Superficial Ultrasound
25. Microscopic Findings, Diane M. Birnbaumer
Microscopic Urianalysis
Synovial Fluid Analysis for Crystals
Gram Stain
Dark-Field Examination
Vaginal Fluid Wet Mount
Potassium Hydroxide Mount
Stool Examination for Fecal Leukocytes
Skin Scraping for Dermatoses and Infestations
Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination: India Ink Preparation
Cerebrospinal Fluid Examination: Wright Stain--Thin Smear for Malaria
Ferning Pattern for Amniotic Fluid
Peripheral Blood Smear for Schistocytes
Tape Test for enterobias Vermicularis Eggs
Tzanck Preparation
Biographical note

Kevin J. Knoop. MD, MS, Director, Professional Education, Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA; Assistant Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Lawrence B. Stack, MD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Alan B. Storrow, MD, Vice Chairman for Research and Academic Affairs, Associate Professor for Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
R. Jason Thurman, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Associate Director, Residency Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Advanced Paediatric Life Support 4th Ed.pdf (5.52 MB)


Airway Management in Emergencies.pdf (5.78 MB)

download link:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Windows XP-Turbo™ 3D SP3 2010

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

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indows XP Dark Performance Edition is based on Windows XP Corporate Edition. This means that it will always update and pass WGA fine. This copy of Windows installs unattended, and has many tweaks to optimize performace. Lots of bloat has also been removed. All of the included programs are installed silently on startup.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Portable Need For Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Underground 2 is pretty good, but unfortunately most of the stuff you do in between races keeps you away from the game's best moments.

Last year, EA took its long-running Need for Speed series in an exciting new direction with the release of Need for Speed Underground, a racing game that focused on making the import tuner scene the star of its arcade-style racing show. The game worked really well, combining the right level of car customization with good track design, challenging opponents, and impressive graphical effects. Now, one year later, a sequel is on the streets, adding some new race types and a big, open city to cruise around. The actual racing in Need for Speed Underground 2 is still pretty good, but unfortunately most of the stuff you do in between races keeps you away from the game's best moments. 

Need for Speed Underground 2 tries to inject a story into your career mode using static-image cutscenes that pop up before some races. The effect is similar to what the Max Payne series does with its noninteractive sequences, though that game pulls it off much better than Need for Speed Underground 2 does. Dopey story short, you're sent off to a new town after getting ambushed by a rival racing crew, and you'll have to start from scratch with one car and a handful of races to get you going. 
The biggest change made by this year's game is that the action now takes place in one large city. You're given free rein to drive around wherever you want, and you'll have to drive to races to drive in them. You'll also have to drive to different parts shops to customize your ride--in fact, you'll have to find most of the game's shops by cruising around the city, looking for the right type of colored lights. The game gives you an onscreen map, but shops don't show up until you've found them, and some races don't actually appear on the map, either...

Auslogics BoostSpeed v4.5.14.260

Modify Windows settings, file system and services to greatly increase system performance. Increase startup and shutdown speed, disable annoying CD autorun and error reporting features. BoostSpeed will keep monitoring your system for possible optimizations and let you know if such optimizations are possible. You can also run the System Optimization Wizard to periodically optimize your PC.

Speed Up Internet
Adjust your PC for faster images, music and software downloads, increased browsing speed and reliable Internet connections. View your download speed and graphs. To gain additional performance boost you can also turn on DNS Optimization.

Block Banner Advertisements
Tired of annoying banner advertisements accompanying many web sites? Now you can eliminate advertisements and also speed up your Internet browsing with BoostSpeed Banner Killer! You can add your own web sites to the black list to block them from showing their advertisements.

Keep Disk and Registry Clean
Get rid of junk on the disks and registry of your PC. Remove hazardous and space-wasting files left by untidy programs and crashes of your system. Dramatically increase the performance of your PC by cleaning, optimizing and defragmenting local disks and registry.

Optimize Memory and Appearance
Badly written applications constantly steal memory without giving it back. That's why your PC becomes unstable with time and you have to reboot. BoostSpeed automatically frees up computer memory to gain additional performance boost. You can also manually recover memory and clipboard.

Keep your PC fast and safe
BoostSpeed will detect most of the popular "PC-slowers" - bundle-software (such as eDonkey or Kazaa) which silently download malware and spyware to your computer, taking up internet traffic and slowing down the system. This will also keep your system safe from prying eyes of spyware programs.

Boost Software Products

BoostSpeed can improve performance of different software products, including Microsoft Office, Internet browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozzila), E-mail clients (Outlook, The Bat), MSN Messenger, ICQ, Media Player and others.

System Optimization Tools
Greatly increase your PC startup speed with Autorun Manager, where you can disable or remove the programs which try to load up when Windows starts up. Force-uninstall unwanted software products which take up space on your computer and slow it down.

Networks Tools
Keep your connection alive while you're away, synchronize your computer clock with atomic clock over the Internet, lookup domain names and IP addresses, measure your Internet connection speed. Troubleshoot and improve your Internet connection and local network with an excellent selection of network management tools.

Changes in Version (08/04/2009):
This service pack fixes issues found in version 4.5 and improves program stability.
• Analysis and cleanup of Internet Explorer cache is now much faster
• Fixed a ExeFile registry key problem causing its incorrect cleanup
• Fixed a Disk Defrag bug causing it to hang on start up on some computers
• Fixed a Disk Defrag bug causing an error on program shutdown
• Added support for multiple CPUs in the Task Manager process affinity control
• Improved Duplicate File Finder support of removable and CD disk drives
• Improved Internet Optimizer compatibility with certain firewalls
• Improved Tweak Manager’s usability under low display resolution

Home page :

Download : 5.78 MB.

Picture Collage Maker Pro v2.1.2.2491 PORTABLE

Picture Collage Maker is a pictues and photos collage software that you can use to create cool photo collage with your digital pictures and photos. Creating stunning picture collage has never been easier! Just select your photos and drop them in this tool, add a custom mask, choose from over 10 templates, save as jpg file set wallpaper and make wallpaper slideshow.

You can choose from a variety of template layouts or create your own design from scratch, apply image frames, masks, drop shadows and other effects. The images can be cropped and resized to fit, and freely arranged within the collage. The program supports drag and drop image placements, resizing and multiple layers of images and clipart decorations. The result can be saved as new JPG image and/or set as desktop wallpaper.

You can also create your calendar, greeting card, invitation card, poster and more you can think of! Whether you see collaging as a relaxing pastime or a way of life, Picture Collage Maker can improve your efficiency, save you money and help you transform your priceless pictures into precious memories.

• Easy to Use - Extremely easy to use. No Experience Or Computer Skills Necessary!
• Create Collage - Allows you to create a mixed–image collage page by compiling various pictures of any size; then you can overlay, arrange, adjust and configure the images to match your taste.
• Photo Collage Wizard - Offers a way to create a photo collage automatically, with selected photos and a single click of a button.
• Real-Time Editing - Allows you to see your collage changes immediately, without saving and reopening the file.
• File Formats - Capable of processing most major graphic formats (JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, TGA, PNG etc)
• Default Templates - A large number of predefined layout designs or templates contained within Picture Collage Maker. You can use either preset templates or create your own page layouts.
• Frames and Boarders - Included. A large number of borders and frames are available in the collage program.
• Backgrounds - Included. A large number of backgrounds are available in the collage program.
• Clip Art - Included. A large number of cliparts are available in the collage program.
• Photo Masks - Included. A large number of masks are available in the collage program.
• Download Additional Clipart, Backgrounds, Masks and Frames - Offers additional collage resources online.
• Layers - One image can overlap others on a collage page; you choose the order in which to layer the images by moving a selected layer to the back or to the front. You can delete layers you don’t like and replace them with new images.
• On Screen Text Entry - Opens a text box on your photo collage project. You can resize and move the text to a precise location on your collage page.
• Editable Text - Allows you to make changes to collage text, such as font style, size and color.
• Move,Rotate, Resize, Flip Images - Move,Rotates, resizes and flips images inside a frame.
• Photo Cropping - Allows you to trim away areas of your collage photo.
• Move Frames - On a collage project template page, you can rearrange the pre–set frame display.
• Delete Frames - Erase a frame from your collage resource files.
• Stretch Frame to Fit Page - Decrease or increase frame size so it fits the collage project.
• Page Orientation - Landscape. Sets the collage project page horizontally at 11 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall. (Other collage page sizes are available.)
• Page Orientation - Portrait. Sets the collage project page vertically at 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. (Other collage page sizes are available.)
• Filters and Photo Effects - Advanced photo editing tools allow you to stylize the look of collage images through the use various filters, such as a grayscale filter, sharpen filter, and a blur filter.
• Light & Color Managemanet - Allows you to edit image light and color. Picture Collage Maker give you nearly as much control as offered in basic photo editing software packages.
• Multiple Undos - Allows you to undo several recent collage changes as a group.
• Send Photo via Email - Send your collage projects to others through email.
• Print - Print your collage project.
• Save Collage as Single Picture - Save your collage project as a single picture.
• Set as Wallpaper - Set your finished collage page as desktop wallpaper or Wallpaper Slideshow.

Microsoft® Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 Server/VISTA compatible.

More info :

Download : 51.3 MB.

Monday, July 27, 2009


94 walls | 1024x768 | JPG

Download : 13.13 MB.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nitro PDF Professional v5.5.1.3

Nitro PDF Professional v5.5.1.3 

- Create PDF documents from 300+ file types. 
- Convert and merge files into the one PDF document. 
- Convert documents to PDF in batch. 
- Scan paper to PDF. 
- One-button PDF creation from Microsoft® Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint®. 
- Automatically create ‘intelligent’ PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office.
- Insert and edit text, including font face, size, color and more. 
- Edit images — delete, insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, and extract. 
- Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, and Cross Out tools. 
- Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations. 
- Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
- Secure documents with passwords and certificates. 
- Encrypt with 40- and 128-bit level security.
- Much more… To see all features go HERE

Release Name: Nitro.PDF.Professional.v5.5.1.3.Incl.Keymaker-EMBRACE
Filename: e-np5511
Size: 32.0MB
OS: Win x86

download link:

Microsoft Office 2007 Blue Edition

Microsoft Office 2007 Blue Edition

This version has been supplemented by three other office 2007 products, which do not belong to the enterprise suite, but many people use and demand, these products are: Office Share Point Designer, Project Professional and Visio Professional, All versions already have : 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2) and similar to the enterprise suite has all the updates dated May 2009.


Features * Shared office
* Office Tools
* Microsoft Office Access
* Microsoft Office Excel
* Microsoft Office Groove
* Microsoft Office InfoPath
* Microsoft Office One Note
* Microsoft Office Outlook
* Microsoft Office PowerPoint
* Microsoft Office Publisher
* Microsoft Office Visio Viewer
* Microsoft Office Word

Products included in this release:

* Microsoft Office Share Point Designer 2007 SP2
* Microsoft Project Professional 2007 SP2
* Microsoft Visio 2007 Professional SP2


* Complete installation in most English-date with SP2 updates May 2009
* Interface for easy installation
* You can choose which programs you want to install the package
* Install another office, the installer is responsible for removing all previous versions and leave only the last.
(We recommend installing an operating system that has no pre-installed version to ensure
proper and full functioning.)
* Retains previous versions, you can choose Custom Install programs that want to maintain and
Programs that want to upgrade to new version

* Validation and online updates.

download link;


Track List

01. Bad
02. Beat It
03. Billie Jean
04. Black or White
05. Dirty Diana
06. Dont Stop Til You Get Enough
07. Earth Song
08. Heal The World
09. Human Nature
10. Jam
11. Leave Me Alone
12. Liberian Girl
13. Little Susie
14. Man In The Mirror
15. Remember The Time
16. Rock With You
17. Scream
18. Smooth Criminal
19. Stranger In Moscow
20. The Girl Is Mine
21. The Way You Make Me Fell
22. They Dont Care About Us
23. Thriller
24. Wanna Be Startin Somethin

Download : 161.18 MB.





download link;

Stedman's Medical Terminology Flash (19.62 MB)

New! Stedman's Medical Terminology Flash Cards are designed to enhance and enliven the process of learning medical terminology for both medical language professionals and students. From Stedman's, the authority on medical language and terminology for over 100 years, these Flash Cards are the perfect tool for independent study and skill development.

download link:

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2009

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional | Language: English | ISBN:0071591249 | 1728 pages | Data: 2008 | CHM | 50 Mb

Description: The #1 annually updated text in internal medicine -- trusted, authoritative, and essential to daily practice

CMDT delivers the most current insights into signs, symptoms, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll find on-the-spot, evidence-based answers that reflect the most recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. This concise, authoritative reference gets you up to speed--fast--on the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more.

Putting you and the experts on the same page:

* Comprehensive coverage of inpatient and outpatient care, focusing on the diagnostic tools relevant to your day-to-day practice
* Full review of all primary care topics, including gynecology, obstetrics, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, psychiatry, neurology, toxicology, and urology
* Only text with an annual review of advances in HIV treatment
* “Essentials of Diagnosis” for most diseases/disorders
* Hundreds of quick-access drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated drug prices
* ICD codes featured on inside covers
* Diagnostic and treatment algorithms present important information in an at-a-glance style

* Up-to-date references provide peer-reviewed, evidence-based information

download link;

Cristiano Ronaldo Magican


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Windows XP With Service Pack 3 for Laptop Collection

Windows XP With Service Pack 3 for Laptop Collection








Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate February 2009 Genuine